Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jared Tarbell

Jared Tarbell's website:
Here I would like to share my two favorite works by Jared Tarbell.

When I first time clicked into his web page of the work: Invader Fractal(, this unknow black and white pixel picture appeared on the top.

It reminds me of the old computer game that I was really obsessing in my childhood(I remember the GBA game player was very popular). The game shown below used to be my favorite.

After that I looked for his introduction of his work. He wrote on the website that we should click those strange patterns named "invader" so that the invaders would collapse into more small invaders and fill in more empty space. And...I did it. I let them to occupy majority of the space.(Haha...I've spent a lot of time to do it...)
This picture shows what I have done. (comparing to the first picture above)

Jared used computer to produce all these generative "invaders".He said that each invader is occuping a 5X5grid block(25bits) but it is actually represented by 3X5grid block(15bits) as the left and right sides of an invader is actually the same. Therefore, he can create 32768 unique invaders. He created over thirty thousands of invader in a limited 15bits block. Each time we click invaders, they will split into more smaller invaders and more new patterns invader will appear. Jared has set a very simple rule by using the computer but we can enjoy infinite outcomes from this generative work. It is also very interesting that every one sees different picture of this kind of artwork. Participants have to move their hands and finger and their mouses in order to see what it is. I think it is pretty like playing game.

The second one is the "Walking Bug Generator".

Indeed, clicking the "GENERATE NEW WALKING INSECT"( , we will see bugs walk from left to right autometically. Every time you click it, a bug will be generated.

However, I found that there is a maximun of 4 bugs appear on screen.

Actually, I hate insect very much as they are really creepy and disguisting, but I can't stop clicking to generate bugs from this program. Why do I think that this work is interesting? It is because the little bugs are diverse and varied of their colors, shapes, patterns and even their sizes. Jared described his work in the website that each insect is composed of 9 parts: a head, which decides where to go; a body, which computes how to get there; 6 legs, which move the body; and an ornamental tail. Each part of an insect is randomly generated so that we can see different images of different bugs, which means the design of each insect is computed by its program. Their body sizes, colors and patterns as well as length of their legs and tails are varied. Every bugs generated is unique. Besides, the movement and the speed of those walking bugs are not the same. It depends on their foot shuffle order, leg length and a fixed determination. Therefore, we can see the bugs are not walking on the same way and having the same speed.(I've seen a bug with very short leg that walked very slowly.) Jared said this work is inspired by his previous work called NINE BLOCK PATTERN GENERATOR"( Maybe that's why the pattern of the bugs are changed infinitely. I think it is also relating to the design of Invader Fractal. The ideas of his different works are similar.

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