Thursday, November 29, 2012

Generative Art: Sol LeWitt

Sol Lewitt (September 9, 1928 – April 8, 2007) was an American artist that regarded as the founder of Conceptual Art and Minimal. He came to fame in the late 1960s with his wall painting works and his "structures". He was a prolific artist that hw also worked in drawing, printmaking, and photography.
He was used to creating  2D works(like wall painting, drawing...)  in simple lines, diagrams and colors. Most of his works are formed in "series" that have the similar features and they are designed some rules to follow so that he can create those works that look like repeating but they are actually varied.  For example,  he created the four "Drawings Series" between 1969 and 1970. He make use of a different system of change to each of twenty-four possible combinations of a square that divided into four equal parts, each containing one of the four basic types of lines LeWitt used such as vertical, horizontal, diagonal left, and diagonal right.  The system used in Drawings Series I is 'Rotation' which was term by Lewitt. Drawings Series II uses a system as 'Mirror'. Series III applied ‘Cross & Reverse Mirror'. Finally the forth Drawings Series uses ‘Cross Reverse’.
Here is his works introduction video. We can easily find the similarty and repetation of Lewitt's different series of works.
Introduction: Sol LeWitt: 2D+3D
Sol LeWitt: A Wall Drawing Retrospective
On the other hand, LeWitt's wall drawings are usually executed by people other than the artist himself. He hired a teams of assistants to participate in the executing process of his works. LeWitt  suggested that each person drew a line differently and each person understood words differently. He was pleased to see that how his ideas would come out through other group of people's hands. This is also the generative rule by him. Even though there was a model of artwork designed by Lewitt himself, it eventually executed by the other artists. What they thought of the artwork and what skills they used for the artwork are different.Therefore the final results brought were usually surprising.

Art Institute Installations: Wall Drawing #1111 by Sol LeWitt
Sol LeWitt "Whirls and Twirls" Time Lapse Installation

Then, I would like to introduse some of his generative structures. The first one is Tower(Columbus), 1990.
It presents a simple geometric progression through eight sections that systematically change in width and height. It begins with eight horizontal blocks at the base, decreasing in width as it rises to reach eight vertical blocks at the top. (

Another one is SPLOTCH 15, 2005.
The form and color distribution were generated through a typically LeWittian system of projections from a two-dimensional base. He first drew a highly irregular, eccentric outline as the footprint of the structure. He then devised one segmented plan within that outline for color and a second plan for height. After that he used three-dimensional computer modeling software to produce the model of the works.(

Mass Moca
Sol LeWitt, Master of Conceptualism, Dies at 78

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