Monday, March 11, 2013

GE1401Assignment3 Causal Analysis --My One Piece fever

Think of a problem. It doesn't have to be a major, earth-shattering problem like the dwindling ozone layer or inequality of the sexes. It can be a common problem in your everyday life.

I have been incurably obsessed with One Piece, which is a super famous Japanese comic authored by Oda Eiichiro, since I was 12. It is an adventure story of Luffy, who is the captan of a pirate team named ‘The Straw Hat’, and his company traveling from island to island, helping people to solve problems, fighting against evil spirits and competing with other pirates in order to get the highest price—One Piece. To be frank, I own a whole set of One Piece manga as well as a great quantity of its figures and its related products. My family has never understood why I am so crazy about it. “Girl’s not supposed to read teenage boy manga and more importantly you’ve grown up so you shouldn’t be too childish!” my mum claimed. Some of my friends are also curious of why a quiet and shy girl like me would be attracted by a violent story. May be it is because of its straightforward style and pure spirit of characters which are really different from my reality.

 One Piece lives up to the slogan of ShonenJump, the best-selling Japanese manga magazine, as friendship, striving and victory. It is a typical ‘hot blood’ story that is appealing to me. Every time when Luffy encountered difficulties, he would never give up and burn his life for achieving the goal. Also his friends would try their best to help him for nothing repaid. In the chapter of Alabasta, they made the maximum effort to aid princess Vivi in conducting the revolution of her country and to save people from the violent domination by a criminal organization. Their struggling processes are extremely encouraging that I truly appreciate. Somehow it gave me the energy to pass through many uneasy situations such as the endless examinations and the assignment pressure.  

The innocent friendship between the main characters is definitely the most catching element of the story. Every member of the Straw Hat was not joining the group for no reason. Luffy offered the biggest helping hands to his dear friends whenever they needed. Helping Nami to defeat and expel the ruffian Arlong is one of the typical examples. There is a spiritual connection among the company so that they would never betray each other. They are united as one because everyone is willing to devote themselves to the committed friends. They also persistently shared the constant and consistent goal—the One piece. The passions they have is actually lighting up my boring routine. Perhaps this kind of relationship is exactly the thing that I desire but it is difficult to be achieved in real life.

The beautiful and vivid drawing style together with the well-designed setting of each island and characters make up a wonderful fantasy One Piece world that contrasts with our dull concrete jungle. It is a direct and simple world that the boundary of black and white is clear. I enjoy following the characters to chase the big dream with the profound friendship and seeing the wicked guys to be punished by justice.

The answer of why I love One Piece so much is quite obvious now. People, who are living in the reality, are lacking in the pure depicted in the fancy world. The competitiveness is keep increasing in different ages, careers, business, and even countries in my living place. In such a cruel world, it is hard to let people trust the others without hesitate. One Piece is like the Utopia amid the concrete world and like a medicine for healing readers’ wounded minds. You may think that I am escaping from the reality and letting myself to immerse in the illusion. One Piece is, in fact, a reflection of what I really want in my sub-consciousness. It is the representation of the deep desire of pure love and relationship among people.

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