Thursday, February 14, 2013

GE1401 Assessment2 Descriptive Writing-- My Mother

My mother is 50 years old now. She has short and dyed-black hair. Her oval-shaped face looks pale and yellow, which is covered with obvious freckles as if hundreds of ants are crossing her face as well as shallow wrinkles that mainly spread near the outer corners of her eyes. She is also got a pair of small eyes and thin lips. She is just like a typical Chinese housewife we usually see in market. However, she had a pretty good looking in her early ages. She had light and soft complexion and her cheeks were ruddy. She was wearing perfect make-up on her face all the time. Her elegant smiley almond eyes made she looked like a classical Chinese beauty walking out from a traditional Chinese female figure painting.

As years passed by, she is getting gaunter and gaunter. Sometimes she seems to be exhausted. She claimed that she was okay as she had been used to working hard since she started to work as a little former when she was 6. Anyway, she collapsed once recently because of serious headache that caused by high blood pressure.

“I’m going to die because you guys piss me off all the time!” she grumbled at me and my siblings, “I won’t live long.” She often says something like that.

She seems to blame us that we are burdens to her but actually we know she loves us more than herself. Even if she is tired of being a worker and housewife at the same time, she still wakes up early in every morning before our alarm clocks ring and insists to prepare a hot and fresh breakfast for us. Struggling with her sore waist and aching back, she just takes a deep breath, swallows all the pain and pretends she is able to support the crushing sky.

Due to the difficult time of bringing up three children, especially we had ever lived in poverty when I was a kid, she tends to have a quite strong expectation of seeing us to became ‘dragon’ in the future, which turns she to be so-called ‘tiger mum’. This is also very much affected by her realism.

“You will be a sweeper if you don’t work hard now!” she frowned and said.

She has kept threatening us about how bad our future will be in case of not getting good academic results. Every time she wants us to listen to her words so desperately, she must shout at us loudly and we can see her face growing to be red and as fierce as roaring lion. I guess this is the major reason why she got high blood pressure. The others may think that she is having a bad temper, yet we all know that her fury is just one way of expressing her love.

When I was young, I used to believe mum was so tall and big. Two decades lapsed, I have discovered that she is so small and fragile, but her instinct of protecting her babies drove her to be strong and undefeatable. I think it is time for me to make her a better life.

Words counted: 524

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