Tuesday, October 2, 2012

GE1302 Online Art Diary(week5)

The artwork shown on the photograph above called Merzbau, which is an installation work created by Kurt Schwitters. Kurt was a German artist that mainly working in genres and media such as installation, graphic design, sound, poetry etc. He did very well in collage and he called it Merz, as the representation of his own concept of Dadaism. Merzbau was one of Kurt’s most successful and representative assemblage artwork but unfortunately it couldn’t be reserved because of war and time. Kurt began to build it in early 1920s in Hannover where was his original home. In 1937, he was exile from his hometown to Norway, so he started to work in a new Merzbau but similar to the previous one in new home. After that, he had to move again since he needed to escape from the Nazi invasion. Finally he built another Merz building in England named as Merzbarn. The first and the second Merzbau was destroyed by bomb and fire respectively and the third one was disrepair after Kurt’s death.
Why is it relating to science? Building this thing must be a very technical work as the creator should think about mechanic, dynamic, architecture, graphic design…This work was originally started in his studio, later he occupied the whole department and transformed all the 6 living room in to Merzbau. Therefore, the 6 normal room was reconstructed into one big installation artwork. There were added about forty distinct caves, grottoes and rooms in Merzbau but it was still a family house for residential use. Besides, Kurt was only using found objects like pieces of wood, rubbish etc. as the materials to build the majority of his work. More interestingly, he would also use something that visitors left in his house to decorate the artwork. So that people always found different when they came back to this house, and of course they might find their belongings became part of the marvelous artwork! This is one of the reasons that I love this work so much.
On the other hand, although Merzbau was built in geometrical-shaped base, the whole creature didn’t seem making any sense. The non-sense spirit was the main idea of Merz. This is the only thing that completely differed from science—we should not always use logical thinking in order to invent a great artwork. Sometime, we have to borrow the idea or technology from science, but we should also break the rule, not just think whether it is sense or not.

The artwork shown on the photograph above called Merzbau, which is an installation work created by Kurt Schwitters. Kurt was a German artist that mainly working in genres and media such as installation, graphic design, sound, poetry etc. He did very well in collage and he called it Merz, as the representation of his own concept of Dadaism. Merzbau was one of Kurt’s most successful and representative assemblage artwork but unfortunately it couldn’t be reserved because of war and time. Kurt began to build it in early 1920s in Hannover where was his original home. In 1937, he was exile from his hometown to Norway, so he started to work in a new Merzbau but similar to the previous one in new home. After that, he had to move again since he needed to escape from the Nazi invasion. Finally he built another Merz building in England named as Merzbarn. The first and the second Merzbau was destroyed by bomb and fire respectively and the third one was disrepair after Kurt’s death.

Why is it relating to science? Building this thing must be a very technical work as the creator should think about mechanic, dynamic, architecture, graphic design…This work was originally started in his studio, later he occupied the whole department and transformed all the 6 living room in to Merzbau. Therefore, the 6 normal room was reconstructed into one big installation artwork. There were added about forty distinct caves, grottoes and rooms in Merzbau but it was still a family house for residential use. Besides, Kurt was only using found objects like pieces of wood, rubbish etc. as the materials to build the majority of his work. More interestingly, he would also use something that visitors left in his house to decorate the artwork. So that people always found different when they came back to this house, and of course they might find their belongings became part of the marvelous artwork! This is one of the reasons that I love this work so much.

On the other hand, although Merzbau was built in geometrical-shaped base, the whole creature didn’t seem making any sense. The non-sense spirit was the main idea of Merz. This is the only thing that completely differed from science—we should not always use logical thinking in order to invent a great artwork. Sometime, we have to borrow the idea or technology from science, but we should also break the rule, not just think whether it is sense or not.



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