Tuesday, October 9, 2012

BlindFold Photography!!!

                                             Blindfold photography----what a interesting project!

 We chose to do it in our campus as we want to see the place that we are familiar in a total different view. Since the photographer's face was covered by his clothes, he couldn't see any thing (except darkness>A<).  Also he didn't know where he was going, and always yelled with the scare of nothing to see. I was acting a guide of taking him to walk in the photographing process.

Let's see what we have done!!
Background music: The Show, Lenka
Here are some photos which have been shown in the video.
 Can you guess what this red thing is?
Do you see someting strange in this photo? 
 Our lovely cameraman XD
 Quite a normal one
I think it is beautiful, our blindfold photograper
 tried to take the photographs with motion.
Then this is one of the interesting things turned out.
 The process of doing the blindfold photography is full of excitement, we couldn't expect how the photographs would came out and what photograghs have been taken. And I found that  this is really a challenging work because it is difficult to find a good timing for a shot, it only depends on the sixth sense but not what we have seen.  Also, the photographer never knew what he was shooting and whether the photos were focus or not.
At the beginning, we were confusing of what angles we should use to take the photos, but at last we gave up to think about how to take the photos and tried to vary the ways of shooting. Our photographer took the photos in different strange angles like inverting the camera to shoot the door(shown on above) and he also arrange himself in different altitute in shooting exerise in order to see that how the scenery comes out in some heights. Besides, he make some movement while taking photos. It made a very crazy results in those 'moving' photographs.
I think we have achieved a wonderful experience through this activity!!

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