Sunday, January 27, 2013

GE1113~My self-portrait!!! XDXD

Let's see what I ve drawn! It's a just a pencil sketching which referred to one of my self-snapshots.
It looks really strange...isn't it? I feel sorry that I 've deleted the orginal photo thus I am unable to show the comparison of the photo and drawing.

In the week 3 tutorial, we were told to draw the "Mona Lisa" in reversed form which aslo referred to a reversed Mona Lisa black&white copy. It is actually testing us about the inpretation of the shape of image and the class drawing will be used for comparing with our self-portraits in order to define the difference of them.


GE1401--Reflective Writing "Why I don't write"

Why I don’t write


In secondary school teachers always said content must be the priority in whatever article we want to write. I totally agree with this saying. Writing is the most direct way to express abstract thoughts and concepts. I am happy to share them with the others through writing but there are many restrictions that disturb me from writing freely.


When we appreciate a painting, we may say that how it presents the “mood” of the whole picture is essential but the aesthetic evaluation is also an important issue for judging whether it is good. Writing is in the same situation. A beautiful essay should be both spiritually and technically beautiful. So called technique is known as grammar and vocabulary which are exactly my weakness. Incorrect use of writing techniques will cause the improper presentation of ideas that making me refuses to write too much.


Apart from the technical aspect, limited theme and format of writing is the bigger reason of why I resist to write. I, as a student, have no right to choose what I really want to write in school essay. We are usually given a topic and then do our job in a very limited time and words, as well as the format to be applied. Moreover, we also have to participate in role playing game too. Many topics are like this: Pretend it is twenty years from now and you are a famous writer. Write an essay like George Orwell's entitled ' why I write’. How do I act as a famous writer but my writing sucks indeed?


Still, I understand it is reasonable for student to follow the rules so that we can learn things more efficiently. Now I suppose the topic of writing is just my cup of tea and I am willing to do my best to make improvement on my grammatical problems. Nevertheless, I have to decide what is suitable to be written down on paper. Suitable contents are favorable to majority, school or even the government so you are able to receive a higher score, or else you may lose your way in jail as if Liu Xiao Bo, who wrote an ‘unsuitable’ essay which angered the Chinese official. It is better to give up writing instead of telling lies.

Word Count: 382

Mak Yi Fong