Monday, December 17, 2012

Contemporary & New Media Art project, A day dream in the study room

Group Member: Mak & Angel

Idea/ Concept of this project:

Originally, we attempted to create a reversed space of a living room. We were thinking to create a space that only exists in our dream but somehow related to the reality. We want to create an environment that everyone who gets into the space would feel that they are just having a day dream in a familiar place. Here are some of the basic models that we used SIMS 3 to design the setting of the room. Originally, we intended to turn all the things upside down to create a reversed space effect.

Nevertheless, we had limited resources and felt stressful from the exams and projects, a new idea popped in our minds. Therefore, the scene was set to be a study room which was relatively smaller than the original living room. It is still a space full of imagination and impossibility like what we had decided before. Everything there is motionless in which things seem to be floating in the universe. We did not apply too many elements in the study as it would disorder and make the spaced confusing. To some extent, it is like all the things being stopped in an instant. All the things floating in the mid air are as common as we can see in normal study room such as chairs, books and clocks. The chairs and books have the symbolic meaning of study and the clocks represent time. Also, butterflies are everywhere on the books, chairs and clocks. In Chinese philosophy, butterfly actually presents the idea of illusion, which means we immerse in a dream, a fantasy world. It is like we have just fallen asleep while we are working very hard in doing our jobs.

l   The Art of Sculpture
l   The D.C Docent

Design drafts of the furniture and the room


We intended to create a room by foam boards or wooden boards by ourselves at first. A small room can construct a narrow environment that has greater sense of pressure to the audience. But we finally turned to use a sidecar from the garage of Angel’s Daddy. Thanks to the luck, we had a chance to make our artwork in a real room and enjoy the process of turning a mess into a well decorated room step by step. This is our very first time to decorate a sidecar. Hence, we regard this as a kind of performance or experiment, but not just making an artwork. Sidecar has greater space for our creation and imagination. Also for the convenience of creating, sidecar has sufficient space for us to move and stay.
Materials used

Let's see our process of making the artwork!

This is how the sidecar originally looked like.

This is the environment that we had been working in.
We had to clean up the sidecar first such as tearing down some useless and disturbing attachment of the sidecar. Of course we have received helping hands from Angel’s dad and a nice uncle in the garage.

We attempted to use foam boards to cover the windows.

We decided to use metal boards for sealing the windows instead of using the foam boards because we got the helps from uncles again. Thus, we could save the foam boards and the budget of buying new foam boards for making furniture. By the way, we needed to hand make the chairs therefore newspaper and foam boards were our main materials.

We used wooden boards for the sealing of windows on another side.

We also used newspapers to cover the wall as we needed to spray paint on it.



We began to make the furniture.
I am designing the details of the objects we need.

Our first product~ haha, a little bit ugly!

This is our third chair!

Cutting butterflies from color papers:
For the consistency of the whole space, the ceiling was covered by a dark blue cloth.
We also borrow some materials for example, paints, iron boards, canvas and some other useful tools


Darker blue canvas and paint in the wall are to represent the night-time’s environment.
We started to spray paint on the wall. As we had no experience in spraying the paint, we were persuaded not to spraying on our own. Thanks uncle Ho!

Then, the floor was covered by lighter blue canvas which represent daytime’s sky.

Done!! The basic decoration of the interior was completed. With ‘blue sky’ on the floor, we had created an effect of reversed space. We also brought two skies coming from different time coexist in one space.

Here are the artifacts that we had made.

We were doing the preparation for hanging the stuff. We strung fishing lines on the ceiling from one side to another side.

Setting for chairs:

Then books and clocks:
Finally we stuck the paper butterflies everywhere.

Pictures below are the final version of our work taken in different angles, lightings and distances.



To be frank, due to limited resources and time, we had to keep on thinking whether our original design was work in the sidecar and whether we can create the effect we want audience to feel. We used a temporarily abandoned sidecar for our art installation. We think that what we have done is an experiment indeed as creating such a huge installation is still very new to us. We were willing to try our best to finish our design and see if it is work. We are not just focusing on the result, but also the process we have gone through.

We need to start from scratch and do something with its value. Our performance and art work caught a lot of attentions of people passing by. With the support and advice of the technicians there, the progression was going very smoothly. However, during the process, we still met lots of difficulties. For example, the area of the sidecar is much bigger than we thought so we had to change our plan. Also, we failed to place the wallpaper on the wall which forced us to rethink and restart the decoration of the walls. We needed to think of a solution immediately as time waits for no one. Something thankful was that we both did not ever think to give up our work.

The construction of this art installation brought us very great sense of success. We enjoyed the process very much because it was the very first time we were in charge of such a large installation. Both of us contributed lots of creative ideas in the work. We were not afraid of the heavy workload as we knew that, once we insisted on what we wanted to do, we were not far from our beautiful finishing point. Moreover, although the final result is not as good as we wanted and maybe it seems a little bit messy, the outcome still enhanced our confidence towards future creation. At least we have called up of our courage to achieve our idea. It was really an unforgettable experience and we will keep this process in mind forever.